ProAgros connects producers with the wish to claim sustainable production with end users who want to proof sustainable sourcing of Agri Commodities.
Global demand for raw materials is generally expected to double in the upcoming decades
For you as a professional in the field of raw materials, the importance of understanding the supply chain up to its source is of utmost importance. Furthermore, also your clients need to know in what manner raw materials have been produced.
Is the sustainability of the production secured and how can you support your client in passing this sustainability claim through?
ProAgros has extensive experience in enlarging the transparency of agri commodity supply chains. Furthermore, ProAgros possesses the expertise to support in the transition towards sustainably produced raw materials.
ProAgros, together with its partners in South America, incentifies both individual farmers and farmer producer groups to get certified against credible and solid certification schemes substantiating the claim of sustainable production.
For that we focus on RTRS- and a Fefac Soy Sourcing Guidelines compliant certification.
ProAgros developed the SFAP for the certification compliant to the Fefac Soy Sourcing Guidelines.
Website sustainableassurance
SFAP is a solid, risk based, cost efficient way to certify sustainable agri commodity production. On market demand the Non Conversion/non deforestation add-on will be included in the criteria to be certified.
ProAgros does not sell "random certificates" of RTRS and SFAP.
Producers and their locations are known.
End users of raw materials that want to have a sustainable production claim, can focus on certificates originating from those areas where their raw materials are produced.
Their footprint can be compensated area specific.
Jan Nicolai | Rijkerswoerdsestraat 17 | 6836 AG Arnhem NL | m +31 6 5324 2021
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